Thursday, April 7, 2011

Off to Neverland! I mean Ireland!

We have boxes! That's a major step toward moving, no matter where you're moving to. Trader Joe's flower boxes are legit! Except for all the holes. Whatever, those are for packing the stuff we are getting rid of anyway. We have waaaaay too much stuff by the way. Like more than i even thought we had. Our apartment is only 650sq ft, it's not like we have room to collect much. But today as I sat staring at my mounds of clothes, and piles of useless things like rotisserie ovens and empty baskets, I decided I should open my own thrift store. Nah. Ill just have a garage sale and post stuff on Craigslist. All the boxes beginning to overtake my already-tiny living space have brought this whole moving-to-another-country thing into the forefront of my thoughts.

In December we thought, hey wouldnt it be cool to move far away for awhile? How about Ireland? Sweet idea, let's look into it.
In January we thought, holy crap you got the job!
In February we thought, is this real life?

And it's been a roller coaster of emotions since, bringing me to today: the first day of real packing! With boxes and everything! And I made this blog for friends and family who care to check in on me and Jon during this crazy process of moving to Ireland. So with three weeks left to pack, and like three thousand boxes to fill, I better get to it. Goodbye!


Peggy said...

Wow! How fast the time goes by! So excited for you two, we will miss you! This is the time in your lives to go on such an awesome adventure!

"Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you have planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell you of them, they would be too many to declare." Psalm 40:5

Will enjoy following your blog!